108 Motel
Company Name: 108 Motel
Status: Active
State: California
Post: 90061-2017
County: Los Angeles
City: Los Angeles
Address: 10721 S Broadway
Phone: (323)696-9135
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Lihua Tseng
Web site: http://www.108motelbroadway.com
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): Unavailable
Overall: 108 Motel is a business categorized under hotels & motels, which is part of the larger category hotels rooming houses & camps. 108 Motel is located at the address 10721 S Broadway in Los Angeles, California 90061-2017. The Owner is Lihua Tseng who can be contacted at (323)696-9135.
Description: Hotels,
- Motel
- Hotel
In summary:
- Yes eat food motel room 205 1-3-2019
- I need to go back and bring at least a few friends lol I'd definitely work here
- Security at night is great makes you feel safe witch is needed for the area.
Recommended:Click here to Inform about a mistake 44 Rating:
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Click here add new review about: 108 Motel (Hotels Rooming Houses, Camps, Motels)
Name: O.D.
Message: I need to go back and bring at least a few friends lol I'd definitely work here.
Name: á.á.á.á.
Message: 108 motel was nice and cozy. The room was clean, the bed well made, we got the room for my friend's birthday so the staff were attentive and patient. I liked it mostly because of the people who made us feel welcome.
Name: R.B.
Message: The motel is located in a low income area with a lot of negative influences. Use your imagination. Just mind your business when you are there. The rooms are very small and many are very run down and dirty, but I guess for $40/night that is what is to be expected. Other than that, everything is sufficient.